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大学生毕业面试 kpmg 笔试题(附有答案).txt10 有了执著,生命旅程上的寂寞可以铺成一片蓝天;有了执

著,孤单可以演绎成一排鸿雁;有了执著,欢乐可以绽放成满圆的鲜花。KPMG Assistant Managers 
Entrance Exam
1 毕马威目前采用的成本核算法是: 

A Standard costs
B Activity Based Costing

C Job costing
D 大锅饭
E Bitch costing

F Shit cost method
1 CD

If A or B was chosen, you’ve got to attend the CPA training course of year 2004, 
to learn more about the costing knowledgeIf E or F was chosen, you’d better see 

the psychologist and take some medicine following his suggestion, and try to 
calm down.

“ ”


甲:搁哪里爽呢?乙:没你爽呀!甲:嗨,爽不好瞎爽!上述对话中 爽 最可能指的是:

A OT 充足
B 能出差但不用加班
C Team 


里有美女 / 帅鸽

D 天天能吃到龙虾不扣差补
E 在项目中学到了知识 F 工作之余,参与客户组织各类旅游活动

If C was chosen, it seems you are not suitable for promotion in KPMG anymore, 

because there are few handsome guy and beautiful lady in the middle and high 
level of KPMG, so man, seek for new job now.Chosen D, Absolutely Day 

dreamingChosen E, you are still in the early stage of A1, and should be demoted 
to A2
3 毕马威现行的工资采用的是:
A 计时工资
B 计件工资
C 岗位技能工资


基本工资 + 项目提成

E 低保工资

3 A 
If D was chosen, do you think you are manager or partner now? Caution: it seems 

you will be fired soon.Chosen E, be care of the brick thrown by the laid-off 
workers when you are in the street.If B or C was chosen, pls attend the CPA 

training course also.
4 典型大项目(mega-job)包括


D Siemens
E SinopecF An Gang

4 AE
Chosen B, are you the spy from E&Y?Chosen C,D,F, do you know the meaning of 

5 目前可以在办公室使用的聊天软件有:
A Yahoo messenger

B Sina 668
C Oicq

F 网易泡泡

5 ABD What?!! Even ABD can not be used now?
6 办公室里可以直接领用的物品包括
A Working paper

B A4 paper


卫生间里的洗手液 (经常没有)

D Divider
E 雀巢矿泉水

F Boxfile