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Chosen B or F, whether you are grown up from A1 in KPMG, you should be demoted 
as A1.
7 又到了填 timeshit 的时间,作为 in-charge 对 staff OT 采取的态度应该是:
A 只允许 Charge efficient hours


鼓励 Acutal charge

C 交足经理的,留够 team 的,剩下全是自己的
D 坎 OT 是经理的事情与我无关 E 爱谁谁!!!
F 根据项目收费情况核定每个人的 OT

7 C
Pls consider at least 3 factors when calculate the OT, 1 job nature 2 Mgr nature 

3 Job fee
8 传说中在毕马威女孩当男孩使,那么男孩当什么使?
A 犯人
B 畜牲
C 保护动物
D 牲畜
E 野生动物
F 机器人
8 BDF If you choose C, you have a so kind heart, thus could not be promoted 

9 甲:帮我抠一下!乙:扯!没看我正忙着呢?上述对话中甲、乙最可能是
A 甲::A3 乙:B1
B 甲:A2 乙:A1
C 甲:A3 乙:A3
D 甲:A3 乙:A1 with a brave heart
9 D

B sounds reasonable, but not the perfect one, pls read the question carefully. 
It seems you still need some practice on call over skill.Chosen A or C, it is 

clear that there must be some shit deeply in your head.

 “ ”


抠 不可能指的是:

A 挖鼻孔
B Call over
C 挠痒痒

D Coaching
10 AC

Chosen B or D, should be fired at once.
11 刚刚过了愚人节,In-box 里充斥着五光十色的辞职信。其中最为俗气的开头是:
A 俺终于跳出火坑了
B Today is my last day in ……
C I will come back soonD 

世道不好我还 .呢!!!

E Tomorrow will be a new beginning of my life ……



11 B Easy points to gain here!
12 除了死工资外还有什么创收的方法:
A 把高于 2 分的 assessment 都撕毁.
B 拣的票报销
C 把大家不愿意用的 recycle paper / 


用尽的 toner 卖了

D 大项目里晚上株株坐着骗 OTE 赶紧考过 CPA
F 帮 senior 报销时,把应付他/她的全计在自己头上

12 BCDE If you chose A, Do you really understand the meaning of basic salary?
Chosen F, how can KPMG promote such an immoral guy?
13 上联:考过 CPA,最可能的下联是:
A 离开毕马威
B 拿到 top pay.
C 俩眼儿一摸黑
D 飞机满天飞

13 A The one who chose C or D should be fired immediately!
14 在这个忙季里,公司来了许多新面孔。其中有一个兄弟总把 consolidation

叫 Ken”,那么这个兄弟
