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  8. Attendance counts 出满勤

  People quickly become aware of who makes an effort to be there and who uses 

any excuse to miss a day.



  9. Don’t be a squeaking wheel 不要难字当头,喋喋不休

  Don’t be seen as " Here comes a problem".



  10.Don’t carry grudges 不要嫉妒怀恨他人

  You cannot win them all. So don’t squander your energy, the goodwill of your 

allies, and the patience of your boss by turning every issue into a crusade.




  11.Choose your battles carefully 慎重选择是否"开战"

  Ask yourself: how much difference the problem really makes. Is it worth 

making an enemy? Do I have a realistic chance of winning?




  12.Deal directly with the person who makes the decision 直接与决策者打交道

  Dealing with people with less authority may be easier on your nerves, but 
you’ll be wasting time and effort.



  13. Keep control of problems 保持对问题的掌控

  Let’s say you need some special work done. Don’t stop with getting approval. 

If the other person doesn’t follow through, you’re left looking inept.




  14. Learn to translate boss language 学会"翻译"上司的话语

  "If it’s not too much trouble" means, "Do it, and the sooner the better".
