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The UK paper industry is a major water user, and is under increasing pressure to improve the
efficiency of its water consumption.  This Good Practice Guide is intended to help companies assess
and improve their management of water.

Environmental Performance Guide (EG69) Water Use in UK Paper and Board Manufacture
established that there are considerable variations in water consumption both within and between
the various paper industry sectors.  Most companies are likely to achieve significant cost savings by
adopting best practice in this area, thereby improving their competitive position.  Other benefits
resulting from improved water management include:

improvements in security of supply - a significant issue for mills in drought-affected areas;

better relationships with regulators, employees and members of the public through the
demonstration of sustainable water use policies.

The first task for any company seeking to improve its management of water is to assess its current
performance by either preparing water balances or undertaking a detailed water audit.  In setting
effective targets for water use, the company should take into account the wealth of experience that
already exists among its staff and any limitations imposed by either plant or product.  Modelling
techniques can, where appropriate, be used to set targets, and companies should also consider
running trials before making full-scale changes to plant operation.

The steps that can be taken to reduce plant water consumption include:

better overall management;

design stage procedures (new plant/equipment);

low-cost improvements, eg minimising hose use, production scheduling, leak detection and

process modifications such as optimising shower water use and re-using cooling water;

process redesign, eg improving the quality and management of white water so that more can
be recycled;

total system closure with zero liquid effluent.

This Guide includes several examples of UK best practice, including a detailed study of how one mill
has almost halved its consumption of water in a four-year period by better management and by
equipment and procedural modifications.  It also includes a water use minimisation Action Plan.